Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Hydroponic garden for Riversands school.

In January I got a big surprise when the students of Grundfos chose the Riversands vegetable garden as their end of year project.

Grundfos already sponsored the Riversands Feeding and Garden project with a new pump, tanks and a computer for the borehole pump.
Now the students asked me what I would need to improve on the garden , Dudley Willer, their manager told me about a project he was involved, years ago in Swaziland where they built a Hydroponic garden for a school.

I had never heard about Hydroponic gardening and went on the internet to do some research, I discovered that if we could start this kind of gardening, we would be able to grow double the amount of vegetables in our garden, if we would be able to do this right , it would make it all a lot easier, I would not have all the troubles with the poor soil and it would solve our problems with the water as long as we would have enough water to top up the tank for the hydroponic garden.
In the long run it would be cheaper to run the garden as long as the students of Grundfos could manage to install this whole Hydroponic system.

In March they presented Shirley and me with 2 different kind of systems,they had all put many hours of work in researching this kind of gardening, we chose one system and all the students went to work to make this into a reality, they begged their "employers" of the companies where they did their in-service training for donations for the materials, piping+connections,tanks (from JoJo), pumps, gravel, thick plastic etc.

In June, while I was enjoying my holiday, they all started to install this new system in the garden, they had chosen a real horrible day to do this, on the wettest winter day we had in Johannesburg this winter. In the cold and rain they started digging a pit where the 2 bottom tanks had to be installed,( Milly made all the photos of this hard work! you see them in the last post.)
I have to thank here again all my garden ladies, who helped here to dig the new beds, Mammas this whole project would be impossible without your help, it is great to have these enthousiastic mothers helping us to make this project a reality, they do this as volunteers, giving so much of their time 4 days a week.

We hope to start this system in the first half of August,when the first summer seedlings are planted in this new garden.

Thank you Grundfos and especially Dudley Willer and his students, who made this possible!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post, we will post your article How to make a hydroponics system.I will post for our customers to see your articles on your blog How to make a hydroponics system